10) Easy A:
"I've got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine..." This movie was simply hilarious!! I laughed out loud (LOL) during all the movie!! I loved Olive's boyfriend, he was so cute<3
9)Romeo and Juliet
I'm an old style girl :) I can't help loving Romeo!! If only guys like him existed!! I know that there is a new version with Leonardo DiCaprio but it's not the same thing :/ they totally loose Shakespear's charming language :(
8)Bride wars
I can't believed I cried in a comedy!! This is the movie you just HAVE to see with your best friend. Right Nicolle?? Guess who I saw this movie with? My mother! Well I still loved it and I recommend it :)
7) Up
Best animation movie evar!! I knew i would love it from the moment i saw the trailler. That little boy was sooo adorable!! I want to hug him and give him chocolate!! Even 2 weeks after seeing the movie, my bff and me continued saying the quotes. Hehehe
PS: I also cried in this movie
6)Bridge to Terabithia

Anyone that has lost a friend will cry their eyes out in this movie... I guess that you probably will even if you haven't :S. Hey readers, have you realized that my favourite are the ones i cry on? Hahaha Well, this movie was the one I saw first from my top 10 and I think my mother was really close on turning off the tv and the dvd because i was crying so much :/. Don't blame me, I was small and veeery sensible!
5)Moulin rouge
I really don't know how my sister gave me permission to see this movie like 2 years ago
heeheee. It is about a girl that is a dancer and agrees to sleep with a rich ugly guy so that the club she works in becomes a theatre. However, she falls in love with a sweet, poor song writer that would risk EVERYTHING for her. Here comes a spoiler: someone dies.. see the movie if you want to find out who that was :D
4) Penelope
Can you believe i didn't cry in this movie??? It became my favourite movie the second I saw it :) (like 3 years ago) It is about a girl that was born with a pig's nose due to a curse set on one of her ancestor's. The curse was that she would have the pig nose until someone o her own kind accepted her the way she was. Therefore, she lived all her lived trapped in a house!! and the only ones allowed inside were the possible husbands that had to have blue blood. It taught me a lot about self steam, if you can't love yourself then how do you expect someone to love you??
3)A walk to remember

If you haven't yet realized how romantic i am, well this will prove it. A walk to remember. If i explained the title i would ruin the book and the movie for the readers of this blog (the writers of this blog and Nicolle). When i saw this movie I cried 5 times!! I think i have never cried so much in a movie. Every time I stopped crying, I just started crying again... The one prove that a guy actually loves me and that he does not care at all about appearances is watching this movie with me because let me tell you, when i cry i am a complete mess. My eyes get red and big and i can't stop crying.
2) The Notebook

I don't know why i didn't cry much while watching this movie because after watching this film i felt something no one or nothing, especially not a movie, had ever made me feel. Completely heart broken. I really don't know how a movie could do this :S. I blame Nicholas Sparks! He wrote "The notebook" and "A walk to remember". Does he want girls to cry until they are dry?? I really don't know but that is the effect he had on me when i read "A walk to remember".
Definitely the best movie I've ever seen :D It's about two teenagers in the 50's and they experience love for first time :). I guess part of what makes this movie the best is the fact that they change narrator from the sweet, smart, funny girl to the jerk but sweet at the same boy. At first, the girl looks into the boy's eyes and experiences love at first sight. For many years, she tries to be his friend while he is a jerk to her. In the last part of the movie, he realizes that the girl rocks and the girl realizes the boy is a jerk. That (and the change of narrator thing) is why it's called "Flipped"
This week's theme: EATING WEIRD STUFF!!
When I was like 8 years old, one of my father's friends went to the jungle and brought my father a bag of cheddar worms. These things were little CLEAN bugs fried with cheddar cheese. I know it sounds disgusting but it didn't taste bad at all. It just tasted like cheddar cheese :O :O. At first i wouldn't try it but then i thought about how i might regret not trying something so weird in the future.
Well readers, this is my longest entry so far :)
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