martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

And the blog starts here...

Hello there!
An I quote: “Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.” ~ Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947).

Well, I believe I can write, and that's what I'm going to do. This is what i will be doing every Tuesday from now on, get used to that. You might be asking (no, I asked myself), why am I doing this?

There is no actual reason but the fact that there is no reason. It just happens that I like this activity: to write. No, I won't get into any writing clubs or anything like that, I don't do that kind of things. Writing is different, but well, I am not going to write about what is writing and how important is it, because it just relative. It is not good or bad, ugly or beautiful, it does not suck or rock. Opinions are something valuable, but it is not something that is uniform, it varies, and that's why I wont be talking about the importance of writing and other stuff like that.

To me, writing is the true neutral activity. I can write no matter what my position in time-space is, no matter how I feel, anything can stop me from writing. For example, I can only play videogames when I'm on the mood of playing videogames, and I can only watch TV when I'm in the mood of watching TV (rare event, I'm not that into TV that much). On the other hand, I am always in the "mood" of writing. It is the fact that I don't need to be happy, sad, angry, nervous, or anything to write, that makes it so awesome.

This is the way I express myself, because any other way is just not makes me feel as good as writing. Writing is relaxing, passive and amazing. It is not that there is no other thing that is relaxing, passive or amazing, it is just that writing is writing, I can't compare it to other relaxing, passive and amazing activities.

Being honest, I could keep on writing loads and loads and loads more, but I wont. Why? I read once that texts should be like skirts: long enough to cover the subject but short enough to make them interesting. LOL

Hc, have a nice day.

  PS: I mean it, have a nice day, you better do.

It is now that I realize that I haven't mentioned my name, well, not my name, my nickname. Hc stands for HulkCarlos, I'll explain that next week, next Tuesday, on this same blog.

PS II: I named the blog, ROFL.

2 comentarios:

  1. The first thing I actually saw was the GIANT have a nice day face... it scared the crap out of me ¬¬

  2. have a fucking nice day, allright.

    I love you too, hc. :B
