miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

Hi, my name is Wednesday :D

Okay, so... hi
I really hope you don't hate me forever because I already know this will be way to long and with way too... too many inside jokes not even some people on this blog understand.
So, as you've probably noticed... There wasn't any Monday! Oh Em Gee! Why is that? Well... Our dear Monday got sick, and even though I told my friend JC to tell you that, he didn't cause he's an ass. :D
So, besides that, this week was supposed to be about introductions (which JC decided to skip again, thank you very much ¬¬). So... here goes mine :D
My name is Emilia. I'm a thirteen year old girl that fangirls over pretty much everything. I'm also a nerdfighter [insert nerdfighter sign here] since December 2010. I watched all the videos of the vlogbrothers that were up in three weeks, which makes me really proud of myself, even though I could've been doing summer homework instead of procrastinating, but what can I say? That's just the way I am.
So, I've a thing for british accents. And David Tennant. You see, in Harry Potter and The Prisioner of Azkaban he looked very *not* hot, but on Doctor Who... he's just plainly amazing, I swear!
So... that leads me to another point, I fucking love Doctor Who. I'm in series two, though, and I can't be bothered to finish them because I'm procrastinating (even that? Yes, even that! That's how much of a procrastinator I am) by watching fiveawesome-girls; -guys. I'm kind of depressed it actually ended :(
Oh, by the way, since Mr. Hulkcarlos here gave himself all the credit for the name of this blog, I'm going to do exactly the same thing. I came up with the idea! So... yeah! Take that! If it weren't for me you wouldn't have had anything to put a name to!
Now... bye!
PS: My post (in text) is bigger than Tuesday's.
PS2: I'm Wednesday like Kayley and Alex, some of my favorite youtubers! :D

4 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Ok, now it's personal. I had no more time to write, I was helping my mother to take care of my sister, and decided to write no more, so that does not make me an ass for not posting that Monday was sick. NOBODY told me this week were introductions. Giving yourself credit? Or just making me mad? Yeah, you had the idea, well, f*** you, I could of made my own blog and named it that name, or even a better one. What really pisses me of is that your'e messing with my nick name. It is HulkCarlos. Want it shorter? Hc, not JC, or Hulkcarlos. Yeah right, one more thing:

    F-*-C-K-Y-O-U, Thanks.

    Hc, have a f*cking nice day, I hope karma strikes you with lightning.

    PS: The new Doctor Who is sh*t.

  3. tenemos un pollo azado en el horno. alguien keiere probar un poco?
