martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Wait a sec... Let me introduce myself

Hello there!
Well, everybody makes mistakes specially when Emilia does not tell you the first week was for introductions, I did not introduce myself last week. Again, Monday's writer was sick, or something like that, I hope she will write next week.

Well, this is me, well, not me, but something related to me. What I like is simply: basically everything, I'm a lover of life, there a few things which deserve my hate, and that includes Nazis and Emilia. LOL. Just kidding, I don't hate her. That's another part of me, I really like to joke. My anti-hate for many things makes me own a lot of things, like toy cars. Since I was young I collected them, I used to have about 500, but now that number has reduced to nearly 200. But on the other hand, my collection now includes better and much bigger models, such as my Back To The Future II Time Machine Delorean. By the way, Sci-Fi is my favourite genre of movies and Back To The Future Trilogy is my favorite movie. I also like War movies, like Black Hawk Down, Saving Private Ryan and the just released instant hit Battle: Los Angeles (Really good movie, haven't seen it? Go watch it). I love Music, well, Rock, which is part of music. I really like AC/DC, Bon Jovi, The Beatles, Poison, Scorpions, Green Day, Nirvana, SodaStereo, and other, but the best of the all is KISS. I really like art, to draw, to build, to create. That's a good idea... I could upload some of my drawings and other stuff here, but maybe some other time. I really like science, too. Physics is a possible career study for me.

My dislikes is basically a short list, so short that I can barely remember what I really dislike. Up to now, I can only tell you that I love, absolutely love Rock (every branch of it), and dislike every other type of music (except Pop, Punk [like Green Day] and Grunge [like Nirvana]). I don't really like horror movies, not only because they freak the f*** out of me, but it is more a dislike than that fact. I hate Nazis, and people who believe they are something that they are not, as when Enzo Ferrari was sort of telling Ferruccio Lamborghini "Your cars are real s***". Ferrari sucks, Lamborghini rocks.

I am a very strange person, or at least that's how I see myself. Sometimes I believe I am not like the rest of humans in this world, some people even compare so Sheldon Cooper. No comments on that. I could keep on talking about myself, but I did not join this blog to talk about that.

And moving on to this week's topic:
School, Subjects, Teachers.

I have had several theories on teacher's behavior, but my latest theory states the following:
A teacher will behave the way his students make him behave, with exceptions of bad temperamental teachers and good temperamental teachers.
 Well, that's my theory, you are good, your teacher is good with you. The class is good, the teacher is always good. But, the twist is here, some teachers are just evil. A clear example of an evil teacher in my school is Mr. Thompson, but I will not talk about him. A clear example of a neutral teacher in my school is Mr. Miguel Garcia, he is just normal. He can be nasty, but only if you make him nasty. He can be good, but only if you make him good. A clear example of a good teacher, is Mr. Stapleton, he is just so f*** good. He is my Physics teacher, and I he was just born to teach, everybody understands his lessons, and I have never seen him mad, and as far as I am told, he is never mad.

About subjects, not much to say. Spanish sucks, English kind of sucks too. Economy is cool. Geography, History, are cool too. All of the three sciences rock (Physics [best one], Biology, Chemistry). Art Rocks too.

School is just awesome: friends, cool subjects (obvious exceptions such as Spanish) and just fun to be around. Maybe not you, but I love to learn.

Today's Blasting News:
Japan on ruins

[Drawing of mine]

Last week a very strong earthquake struck Japan causing it to suffer great consequences. I don't want to go into details, since it is a very sad topic to talk about. Earthquakes are the only natural power that strikes with no advice. Pray for them, send them help, give them a hope.

Hc, have a nice day, or as I say now: H.A.N.D.
Remeber, I rulz! LOL

PS:Upcoming next week... Top 10 Best movies... EVEER!!

1 comentario:

  1. Me encanto, pollin <3 eres mi tooodooo (miento, mi todo s GW yls yls)

    pero paja :) me encanta como escribes... JAJAJA LE HECHAS LA CULPA A EMILIA!! yo tb le heche la culpa por no avisarme COMO RAYOS POSTEAR jojojo XD
